NET Finder Plus

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  • Regular price $129.00


* All-in-one tester: Tests network and telephone cables. Includes tone generator, port finder, cable organizer, and quick test. 
* Tests for the following wiring faults: Opened, shorted, reversed, crossed, and split pairs. 
* Pin to pin indication (net cable). 
* Tests for wiring faults of short and open (telephone cable) 
* Verification of shield/ground integrity 
* Multi-Split pair faults detection at 3M (9.8 Ft) to 150M (490 Ft) cable length 
* Cable organizer: 8 numbered remote IDs for organizing 8 cable locations. 
* Port finder: Locates the Switch/hub for the corresponding port. 
* Quick test: Memorizes a cables pin out and tests for mass cables. 
* Remote unit enables one person to test installed cables 
* Easy to read alphanumeric LED faults display